martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in the going to-future.

1) They________the lunch basket. (not/to pack)
2) I __________ somebody the way. (not/to ask)
3) Rita _________Jim's book. (not/to borrow)
4) We _________a T-shirt. (not/to design)
5) I ________ on the red button. (not/to click)
6) The girls __________at the boys. (not/to laugh)
7) Tim_______Sandra's hair. (not/to pull)
8) Andy and Fred _________to a song. (not/to mime)
9) You _____________ dinner. (not/to prepare)
10) He ___________ the hamster in the garden. (not/to keep)