miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

/th : Express English: Who's your best friend?

Who's your best friend?
Here's what people in London told us:

Who’s your best friend?
I don’t have one.

You don’t have a best friend? Do you have a very good friend?

What qualities does he have?
He’s funny, he’s nice, and he's just a good friend, he’s always there if I need him.
Probably I have to say, all things considered, my girlfriend. Because I’d get in a lot of
trouble if not!
She puts up with me!

My best friend is Raz. I went to school with him since when I was 11. And we went to
the same university together and we lived in the same houses together. Whenever
bad things happen we always laugh about it and help each other out.

Now tell us:
Who's your best friend