sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011

Interactive guide : Inside the British home

See how domestic spaces evolve from Saxon times to the post -modern era

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011

5th C-D: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

6th C-D : Past continuous

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2011

Have Fun!

/th : Express English: Who's your best friend?

Who's your best friend?
Here's what people in London told us:

Who’s your best friend?
I don’t have one.

You don’t have a best friend? Do you have a very good friend?

What qualities does he have?
He’s funny, he’s nice, and he's just a good friend, he’s always there if I need him.
Probably I have to say, all things considered, my girlfriend. Because I’d get in a lot of
trouble if not!
She puts up with me!

My best friend is Raz. I went to school with him since when I was 11. And we went to
the same university together and we lived in the same houses together. Whenever
bad things happen we always laugh about it and help each other out.

Now tell us:
Who's your best friend

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Big Fish - Circus Scene. 6th form PAST CONTINUOUS + SIMPLE PAST

I. Watch the movie segment and write down 3 activities people were doing when time stopped.

Ex: A little boy was drinking soda




II. Now write down 3 things that happened when time moved too fast to catch up while he was in the circus.

Ex: The girl left without talking to him




lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2011

Congratulations 6th form! The white whale won´t eat us!

It´s Moby Dick!

Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, written by American author Herman Melville and first published in 1851, is widely considered to be a Great American Novel and a treasure of world literature. The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael, and his voyage on the whaleshipPequod, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ishmael soon learns that on this voyage Ahab has one purpose, to seek out a specific whale: Moby Dick.

Moby-Dick has been classified as American Romanticism. It was first published by Richard Bentley in London on October 18, 1851, in anexpurgated three-volume edition titled The Whale, and weeks later as a single volume, by New York City publisher Harper and Brothers asMoby-Dick; or, The Whale on November 14, 1851. Although the book initially received mixed reviews, Moby-Dick is now considered part of theWestern canon, and at the centre of the canon of American novels.

29 Ways to Stay Creative

Break the rules! Be creative, please!